Genuine Small Batches 2025
418000 Oatcakes Retrospective
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Oatcake Bibliography
Every batch is special, every oatcake unique.
“Food preparation is a sacred activity. If you could see the sparks of light going forth from the fingertips when cooking, and the energy that goes into the food you handle, you would realize how much of you imbues into the meals that you prepare for family and friends.”
– Sally Fallon Morell, Weston A. Price Foundation
Classic Oatcakes
(for John)
Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOs
(for Brady)
Alexei Yurchak
Everything was forever, until it was no more with Q&A
Talk held in the context of the UTOPIAS cycle at Teatro maria Matos, in Lisbon, 12th January 2017.
Alexei talks about his research into the collapse of the Soviet Union and how "Hypernormalization" developed somewhat organically from circumstance. In the Q&A he describes how something similar is happening now in the West.
Classic Oatcakes
(for Michael)
Wild Blueberry Bodhisattva Blues
7GG MapleMagic
Keith Thompson
- THE UFO PARADOX: The Celestial and Symbolic World of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (audio book)
Amazing Book! Keith gets 5 stars in all categories for this one.
7GG MapleMagic
Today Canada gets a new federal political party constitutionally 80% Indigenous. This has never happened before. It's a promise to return to ancient wisdom, the sanity and integrity this country so sorely needs.
Cranberry Organics
Haskap + Raspberry
Organic Haskaps