Genuine Oatcake Small Batches 2019
479000 Oatcakes Retrospective: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014

“Food preparation is a sacred activity. If you could see the sparks of light going forth from the fingertips when cooking, and the energy that goes into the food you handle, you would realize how much of you imbues into the meals that you prepare for family and friends.”
– Sally Fallon Morell

Date Batch Listened to:
2019-12-21 Lavender Dreams
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Meditation & Non-meditation 2019 Crestone

2019-12-20 Maple Magic
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Meditation & Non-meditation 2019 Crestone

2019-12-17 Classic Oatcakes
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Meditation & Non-meditation 2019 Crestone

2019-12-14 Buckyolas
Vegan, 100% organic, low or no gluten and no dairy with buckwheat and artisan canola

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Meditation & Non-meditation 2019 Crestone

2019-12-12 Organic Haskap
with certified organically grown Haskap Berries
from Lahave River Berry Farm

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Meditation & Non-meditation 2019 Crestone

2019-12-11 Spacecakes IV
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Meditation & Non-meditation 2019 Crestone

2019-12-09 Spacecakes III
Dave Blank
Nanotechnology: The High-Tech Revolution

Musings of an oat plant
Allow me to introduce myself. My full name is Avena sativa. But you probably know me by my common names: the oat plant or oatmeal.

“The oat – Avena sativa – also known as the white or common oat provides several very different medicinal substances with a broad range of possible uses.
These range from treatment of the skin to gastrointestinal diseases and, for instance, to prevention of arteriosclerosis and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
For this reason and because the fields of dermatology and nutrition have not yet been covered by the medicinal plant of the year,
the common oat was named as medicinal plant of the year 2017”

2019-12-06 Blueberry Oatcakes
with Blueberries fromTerra Beata
James Burke
Making the future, Strata Data Conference UK 2019
Full Keynote 26 minutes at

2019-11-28 Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOS
Chögyam Trungpa (1940-1987)
Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism (audio book)

2019-11-21 Cranberry Organics
with Springbrook oranically-grown Cranberries
Kalu Rinpoche (1905-1989)
The Nature of Mind in 4 parts
Tibetan with English translation by Lama Chökyi Nyima (Richard Barron)

2019-11-20 Halifax Socials
Classic Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes
Kalu Rinpoche (1905-1989)
The Nature of Mind in 4 parts
Tibetan with English translation by Lama Chökyi Nyima (Richard Barron)

2019-11-19 Maple Magic
made with certified organic Maple Syrup
from Hutchinson Acres
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche and Dr. Richard Davidson

2019-11-15 Organic Haskap
with certified organically grown Haskap Berries
from Lahave River Berry Farm

The 2019 CBC Massey Lectures — Sally Armstrong
Power Shift: The Longest Revolution

2019-11-12 Halifax Socials
Classic Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
The Rain Of Wisdom 31 May - 01 June 2013, Halifax, Canada Playlist

2019-11-07 Cranberry Organics
with Springbrook oranically-grown Cranberries
The Intercept

2019-11-06 Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOS
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
Lojong Berlin, 12 April 2014 Playlist

2019-11-06 Blueberry Oatcakes
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
Lojong Berlin, 12 April 2014 Playlist

2019-10-30 Lavender Dreams
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
The Ornament of the Mahayana Sutras, Singapore, 18-20 May 2019 Playlist

2019-10-29 Halifax Socials
Classic Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
The Ornament of the Mahayana Sutras, Singapore, 18-20 May 2019 Playlist

2019-10-25 Buckyolas
Vegan, 100% organic, low or no gluten and no dairy with buckwheat and artisan canola

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
Vimalakirti Sutra, New Delhi, India, 16 - 17 March 2018 - Part 1

2019-10-24 Maple Magic!

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
Vimalakirti Sutra, New Delhi, India, 16 - 17 March 2018 - Part 2

2019-10-24 Cranberry Blueberry COMBOs

The Guardian
Long Reads audio

2019-10-23 Blueberry Oatcakes

Scott Tusa
Essential Dharma

2019-10-18 Cranberry Organics
with Springbrook oranically-grown Cranberries
MIT u.lab: Leading From the Emerging Future
An introduction to leading profound social, environmental and personal transformation.

2019-10-17 Halifax Socials
Classic Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2019 Vast as Sky, Conduct Fine as Barley Flour (Mount Madonna, CA)

2019-10-10 Organic Haskap
with certified organically grown Haskap Berries
from Lahave River Berry Farm

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2019 Vast as Sky, Conduct Fine as Barley Flour (Mount Madonna, CA)

2019-10-08 Maple Magic

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2019 Vast as Sky, Conduct Fine as Barley Flour (Mount Madonna, CA)

2019-10-04 Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOS

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2019 Vast as Sky, Conduct Fine as Barley Flour (Mount Madonna, CA)

2019-10-03 Blueberry Oatcakes

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2019 Vast as Sky, Conduct Fine as Barley Flour (Mount Madonna, CA)

2019-10-02 Halifax Socials
Classic Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2019 Vast as Sky, Conduct Fine as Barley Flour (Mount Madonna, CA)

2019-09-26 Cranberry Organics
with Springbrook oranically-grown Cranberries

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2019 Vast as Sky, Conduct Fine as Barley Flour (Mount Madonna, CA)

2019-09-23 Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOS
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2019 Vast as Sky, Conduct Fine as Barley Flour (Mount Madonna, CA)

2019-09-19 Classic Oatcakes
MIT u.lab: Leading From the Emerging Future
An introduction to leading profound social, environmental and personal transformation.

Wishing Jenna & Trevor all the best happiness at their wedding at Dundee this weekend, and ever after!

Wedding Thank you!

2019-09-15 Classic Oatcakes
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2018 Nature of Mind: Advanced Practice Retreat (Crestone, CO)

The really great thing about — the tremendous thing about Tsoknyi Rinpoche is that he has been sharing the worldview of a great Bodhisattva continually for many years now, and all his teachings are available online. The rub is that this worldview is so sane – grounded body – open heart – open mind, that even when you hear it, you don't because you have to be ready to hear it.
Tsoknyi Rinpoche's teachings like all the teachings of great masters are "self-secret."

Forgive me for listening to his teachings again and again because each time I find myself tuning into something that I never heard before...

2019-09-12 Maple Magic
made with certified organic Maple Syrup
from Hutchinson Acres
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2016 How to be Happy and Free When the World is on Fire (San Jose, CA)

2019-09-12 Buckyolas
Vegan, 100% organic, low or no gluten and no dairy with buckwheat and artisan canola

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2016 How to be Happy and Free When the World is on Fire (San Jose, CA)

2019-09-07 Hurricane Dorian
Natasha Fatah CBC News
Odd (and Adorable) Couple.
@Purvikalyan was supposed to leave Halifax but his flight got cancelled because of Dorian. So he decided to help his AirBnB host sell @genuineoatcakes at a farmers market instead.

Natasha Fatah tweet
2019-09-04 Lavender Dreams
with Lavender Culinary Buds
from Seafoam Lavender Farm

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2016 How to be Happy and Free When the World is on Fire (San Jose, CA)

2019-09-02 Blueberry Oatcakes

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2016 How to be Happy and Free When the World is on Fire (San Jose, CA)

2019-08-30 Halifax Socials
Classic Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2016 How to be Happy and Free When the World is on Fire (San Jose, CA)

2019-08-28 Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOS

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2016 How to be Happy and Free When the World is on Fire (San Jose, CA)

2019-08-25 Cranberry Organics
with Springbrook oranically-grown Cranberries

Cate Stillman

2019-08-23 Organic Haskap
with certified organically grown Haskap Berries
from Lahave River Berry Farm

Cate Stillman
Deepen Your Self-Healing Body Wisdom with AYURVEDA

2019-08-22 Blueberry Oatcakes

Cate Stillman

Sounds True's THE WISDOM OF THE BODY SUMMIT, with 32 ninety minute presentations over 10 days was certainly a lot and way too much for most people. While baking I might have been able to attend to 70%, and all was so compelling I did tend to go back every day. A few things stood out.

First the topic represents a distinct shift from head to heart or rather body altogether that we find recommended by some of the wisest among us. I'm reminded of Philip Shepherd's Radical Wholeness. Why are we living in our heads constantly talking to ourselves when we can drop into our bodies and just be?

Jonathan Foust a summit presenter mentioned the work of Eugene Gendlin, who he referred to as the father of somatic psychology and wisdom body awareness movement. I instantly recalled the afternoon "focusing" workshop I took part in with Gendlin at Naropa in 1977. It changed my life by granting a handy "fuzzy feeling" touchstone. A year later Gendlin's classic FOCUSING was published.

Interesting, Chogyam Trungpa's THE FOUNDATIONS OF MINDFULNESS (GARUDA IV) was published in 1976 based on talks giving earlier in that decade. In "Mindfulness of Body", Trungpa Rinpoche immediately questions our experience of body: "To begin with, there is some problem about what we understand by body. We have a 'body.' We sit on chairs or on the ground; we eat; we sleep; we wear clothes. But the body that we relate with in going through these activities is questionable. Is it the unconditional body, free from conceptualizations; or is it a body constituted by conceptualizations?"

Now here we are some 40 years later really paying attention to the unconditional non-conceptual wisdom of our magic and miraculous embodiments!

I'm extremely grateful for the opportunity to meet Cate Stillman (see above), and Bruce Lipton's presentation caught my attention, so I will no doubt be spending more time with his YouTubes in the future. All in all, thank you so much Sounds True!

2019-08-21 Lavender Dreams
with Lavender Culinary Buds
from Meander River Farm

Sounds True

2019-08-19 Halifax Socials
Classic Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes

Sounds True

2019-08-16 Cranberry Organics
with Springbrook oranically-grown Cranberries

Sounds True

2019-08-15 Halifax Socials
Classic Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes

2019-08-14 Maple Magic
Sounds True

2019-08-12 Cranberry Blueberry COMBOS
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2018 Crestone Open Retreat

2019-08-07 Blueberry Oatcakes
Russell Brand & Douglas Rushkoff
The Tribe VS The Algorithm

2019-08-06 Organic Haskaps!
with certified organically grown Haskap Berries
from Lahave River Berry Farm

Russell Brand & Derren Brown
Truth & Illusions

2019-08-02 Cranberry Blueberry COMBOS
Russell Brand & Gabor Mate
Damaged Leaders Rule The World

2019-08-01 Halifax Socials
Classic Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes

Scott Tusa

2019-07-30 Lavender Dreams
with Lavender Culinary Buds
from Meander River Farm

2019-07-28 Blueberry Oatcakes

2019-07-26 Maple Magic

2019-07-24 Cranberry Blueberry COMBOS
Carl Jung
Great Minds of the 20th Century (1957)
interview by Dr. Richard Evans of the University of Houston.

2019-07-22 Cranberry Organics
with Springbrook oranically-grown Cranberries
Carl Jung
Face To Face (1959) HQ
Professor Jung interviewed at his home in Switzerland by John Freeman.

On Human Nature
“One thing is sure. A great change of our psychological attitude is imminent. That is certain. Why?
Because we need more psychology. We need more understanding of human nature because the only real danger that exists is man himself.
He is the great danger and we are pitifully unaware of it...
We are the origin of all coming evil.” – Carl Jung

On Death
“Yes it can end, and there we are not quite certain about this end.
Because you know there are peculiar faculties of the psyche that it is not entirely confined to space and time.
You can have dreams or visions of the future. You can see around corners.
Only ignorants deny these facts here. It's quite evident that these facts exist and have existed always.
Now these facts show that the psyche, in part at least, is not dependent on these confinements. And then what?” – Carl Jung

2019-07-18 Halifax Socials
Classic Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes

Scott Tusa

2019-07-14 Cranberry Organics
with Springbrook oranically-grown Cranberries
Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
Mind Beyond Death (audio)

“Just relax and let go.” – Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche

2019-07-12 Blueberry Oatcakes
with Nova Scotia Blueberries
Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche
Lojong - Training The Mind 8/5/2018
Day Two. Khandro Rinpoche's teaching goes in intensity and brillance.
Worth listening to twice!

2019-07-08 Halifax Socials
Classic Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes
Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche
Lojong - Training The Mind 8/5/2018
Day Two. Khandro Rinpoche's teaching grows in intensity and brillance.
Start at 4:38:00

2019-06-30 Maple Magic
made with certified organic Maple Syrup
from Hutchinson Acres
Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche
Lojong - Training The Mind 8/4/2018
This is a long recording full of chants and space. At one point the camera keeps rolling through the lunch break. Recommend you fast forward. But before you tire and give up completely please start the recording just before 5:06:00 for pith instruction. You may then want to go back and revisit what was taught before.

2019-06-28 Cranberry Blueberry COMBOS
The Dalai Lama
Lojong Transforming the mind

2019-06-28 Buckyolas
Vegan, 100% organic, low or no gluten and no dairy with buckwheat and artisan canola

The Dalai Lama
Lojong Transforming the mind

Taking a break for a couple of weeks over the summer solstice while attending The Profound Treasury Retreat.

2019-06-12 Lavender Dreams
with Lavender Culinary Buds
from Meander River Farm

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2018 Crestone Open Retreat

2019-06-11 Maple Magic
made with certified organic Maple Syrup
from Hutchinson Acres
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2018 Crestone Open Retreat

2019-06-11 Buckyolas
Vegan, 100% organic, low or no gluten and no dairy with buckwheat and artisan canola

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2018 Crestone Open Retreat

2019-06-10 Haskap Oatcakes
with certified naturally grown Haskap Berries
from Lahave River Berry Farm

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2018 Crestone Open Retreat

2019-06-08 Halifax Socials
Classic Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2018 Crestone Open Retreat

2019-06-05 Blueberry Oatcakes

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2018 Nature of Mind: Advanced Practice Retreat (Crestone, CO)

2019-06-04 Cranberry Blueberry COMBOS

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2018 Nature of Mind: Advanced Practice Retreat (Crestone, CO)

2019-06-03 Cranberry Organics

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2018 Nature of Mind: Advanced Practice Retreat (Crestone, CO)

2019-06-01 Halifax Socials
Classic Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2018 Nature of Mind: Advanced Practice Retreat (Crestone, CO)

2019-05-24 Blueberry Oatcakes

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2018 Nature of Mind: Advanced Practice Retreat (Crestone, CO)

2019-05-22 Buckyolas
Vegan Oatcakes
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2018 Nature of Mind: Advanced Practice Retreat (Crestone, CO)

2019-05-16 Halifax Socials
Classic Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes
Scott Tusa

2019-05-09 Halifax Socials
Classic Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2018 Nature of Mind: Advanced Practice Retreat (Crestone, CO)

2019-05-07 Lavender Dreams
with Lavender Culinary Buds
from Seafoam Lavender

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2018 Nature of Mind: Advanced Practice Retreat (Crestone, CO)

2019-05-03 Haskap Oatcakes
with certified naturally grown Haskap Berries
from Lahave River Berry Farm

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
2018 Nature of Mind: Advanced Practice Retreat (Crestone, CO)

2019-05-01 Maple Magic
made with certified organic Maple Syrup
from Hutchinson Acres
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Fully Being

2019-04-26 Cranberry Blueberry COMBOS
Chögyam Trungpa
The Dawn of Enlightenment Naropa 1974

2019-04-24 Cranberry Organics
Scott Tusa

2019-04-23 Blueberry Oatcakes
Scott Tusa

2019-04-19 Lavender Dreams
Nasha Winters Videos

2019-04-16 Halifax Socials
Classic Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes
Sounds True: Insights at the Edge Podcasts

2019-04-08 Haskap Oatcakes
with certified naturally grown Haskap Berries
from Lahave River Berry Farm

Scott Tusa

2019-04-05 Organic Gingers

Scott Tusa

2019-03-28 Maple Magic
made with certified organic Maple Syrup
from Hutchinson Acres

Scott Tusa

2019-03-21 Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOS
Scott Tusa

2019-03-19 Blueberry Oatcakes
Scott Tusa

2019-03-14 Cranberry Organics
with Springbrook oranically-grown Cranberries
Scott Tusa

2019-03-07 Organic Gingers
Scott Tusa
Parts 1 through 4
Based on Transforming Suffering and Happiness
by Dodrupchen Jigme Tenpe Nyima (PDF available)

2019-03-06 Haskap Oatcakes
with certified naturally grown Haskap Berries
from Lahave River Berry Farm

Josh Summers in conversation with Dan Keown

Dan Keown is simply brilliant! THE SPARK IN THE MACHINE is well worth the read and I can't wait to get my hands on his new book.

2019-03-05 Classic Oatcakes
Scott Tusa

2019-03-01 Maple Magic Oatcakes
Chögyam Trungpa
Meditation in Action (audio book)

2019-02-21 Blueberry Oatcakes

2019-02-20 Classic Oatcakes
Amelia Curran
2019-02-15 Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOS
Timothy Morton
Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World
audio book

2019-02-14 Cranberry Organics
with Springbrook oranically-grown Cranberries
Tilopa's Mahamudra Teaching to Naropa

2019-02-08 Buckyolas
Vegan, 100% organic, low or no gluten and no dairy with buckwheat and artisan canola

2019-01-31 Buckyolas
Vegan, 100% organic, low or no gluten and no dairy with buckwheat and artisan canola

2019-01-30 Haskap Oatcakes
with certified naturally grown Haskap Berries
from Lahave River Berry Farm

CBC Ideas: Jorge Luis Borges
2019-01-26 Maple Magic
with certified organic Maple Syrup
from Hutchinson Acres

Tanya Talaga
The 2018 CBC Massey Lectures
All Our Relations: Finding the Path Forward

2019-01-25 Organic Gingers
with locally grown Organic Ginger
from Abundant Acres Farm

Tanya Talaga
The 2018 CBC Massey Lectures
All Our Relations: Finding the Path Forward

2019-01-17 Maple Magic

Lopon Barbara Dubois - The Bodhisattva Way
Garchen Buddhist Institute, October 2018 PLAYLIST
Brave, Generous and Undefended

This is a lengthy and yet worthwhile exploration of the Tibetan classic 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva with an American female Buddhist teacher!
It's great to hear a woman talk about compassion...

2019-01-16 Blueberry Oatcakes

Lopon Barbara Dubois - The Bodhisattva Way
Garchen Buddhist Institute, October 2018 PLAYLIST
Brave, Generous and Undefended

2019-01-14 Classic Oatcakes

John Ralston Saul
Roddan Jubilee Lecture, Vancouver, October 11, 2018
2019-01-11 Haskap Oatcakes
with certified naturally grown Haskap Berries
from Lahave River Berry Farm

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
Buenos Aires, Argentina, January 8, 2019
Is it possible to attain happiness?
2019-01-10 Organic Gingers
with locally grown Organic Ginger
from Abundant Acres Farm

Mingyur Rinpoche
at the London School of Economics, April 2018
Meditation and Going Beyond Mindfulness - A Secular Perspective
Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes
Taste Prosperity!                    

A Sealevel Special Project   Photo by Chris Reardon