Genuine Oatcake Small Batches 2022
479500 Oatcakes Retrospective: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014

“Food preparation is a sacred activity. If you could see the sparks of light going forth from the fingertips when cooking, and the energy that goes into the food you handle, you would realize how much of you imbues into the meals that you prepare for family and friends.”
– Sally Fallon Morell

Date Batch Listened to:
2022-12-12 Classics
Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche
KARMA: What it is. What it isn't. Why it matters. (audio book)

2022-12-09 All Organic Vegan Buckyolas
Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche
KARMA: What it is. What it isn't. Why it matters. (audio book)

2022-12-08 MapleMagic
Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche
KARMA: What it is. What it isn't. Why it matters. (audio book)

2022-12-08 Raspberry Organic Rockets
Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche
KARMA: What it is. What it isn't. Why it matters. (audio book)

2022-12-07 Classics
Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche
KARMA: What it is. What it isn't. Why it matters. (audio book)

2022-12-02 Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOs
Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche
KARMA: What it is. What it isn't. Why it matters. (audio book)

2022-12-02 Raspberry Organics
Chris Voss
Never Split the Difference (audio book)

2022-11-23 Blueberry Oatcakes
Chris Voss
Never Split the Difference (audio book)

2022-11-17 Organic Haskaps Organic Haskaps
Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche
KARMA: What it is. What it isn't. Why it matters. (audio book)

2022-11-16 Lavender Dreams
Patrick Wood, jermwarfare
What technocracy is

2022-11-14 Classic Oatcakes

2022-11-11 Classic Oatcakes

2022-11-07 Raspberry Organic Rockets
John Hamer, jermwarfare
On falsifying history

2022-11-04 MapleMagic™
Charles Eisenstein, substack
Amnesty, Yes—And Here is the Price

2022-11-01 Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOs
Daniel Estulin
The True Story of the Bilderberg Group (audio book)

2022-10-31 Cranberry Organics
Daniel Estulin
The True Story of the Bilderberg Group (audio book)

2022-10-27 Honey Garlic
The Way of the Bodhisattva (audio book)

2022-10-26 Classics
An Immersive Workshop on The Way of the Bodhisattva, Wulstan Fletcher

2022-10-21 Classics
An Immersive Workshop on The Way of the Bodhisattva, Wulstan Fletcher

2022-10-19 Buckyolas (for George)
An Immersive Workshop on The Way of the Bodhisattva, Wulstan Fletcher

2022-10-14 Organic Haskaps
Daniel Estulin on the Bilderberg Group, Jerm Warfare Podcast

2022-10-12 Blueberry Oatcakes
The New Rules of Marriage, Terrence Real (Audio Book)

2022-10-07 Honey Garlic The New Rules of Marriage, Terrence Real (Audio Book)

2022-10-01 Maple Magic
Jeff Beck & Imelda May - Walking in the Sand

2022-10-01 Blueberry Oatcakes
Oracle Films
Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (56 mins) shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also to takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in supressing free and open debate on the subject.

2022-09-16 Classics
"Probably the best explanation of reality I have seen in the last two years"

2022-09-15 Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOs
Stephen Batchelor
Living with the Devil: A Meditation on Good and Evil (audio book)

2022-09-12 Cranberry Oatcakes
Information Warfare with Edward Dowd 120 mins

2022-08-26 Blueberry Oatcakes
AUREON ENERGY and the SAFIRE PROJECT multiple videos

2022-08-26 MapleMagic
Ben Davison, Space Weather News
Climate Change Play List

2022-08-19 Organic Haskaps
Ben Davison, Space Weather News
CLIMATE FORCING | Our Future is Cold

2022-08-18 Raspberry Organic Rockets
Charles Eisenstein
Safety Mania: COVID Hysteria, Mob Dynamics, and
How to Forge ‘Communities of Sanity’

2022-08-17 Genuine Classics
Ray Dalio
Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order 44 mins

2022-08-12 Raspberry Organic Rockets
Clif High

2022-08-12 MapleMagic
John Steppling
The Apocalyptic Fear

2022-08-03 Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOs Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOs
Svensmark: The Cloud Mystery

2022-08-02 Nova Scotia Blueberry Oatcakes RADIOOOOO

2022-08-02 Raspberry Organic Rockets

2022-08-01 All Organic Vegan Buckyolas Matt Ehret
Understanding the Great Reset as a Cybernetics Religion 58 mins

2022-07-29 Raspberry Organic Rockets

2022-07-26 Classics
Charles Eisenstein Full-length Interview from Living the Change 54 mins

2022-07-21 Classics
Living the Change: Inspiring Stories for a Sustainable Future (2018)
Documentary 126 mins

2022-07-19 MapleMagic™
Professor Gerald H. Pollack
Challenging the fundamental principles of biology (EZ Water)
4th Phase Water, Ez Water, Fourth Phase Water, Structured Water

2022-07-14 Classics

2022-07-13 Buckyolas (for George)

2022-07-12 Cranberry Organics
Traleg Kyabgon
Practice of Lojong:
Cultivating Compassion Through Training the Mind
(audio book)

2022-07-07 Organic Haskap
Traleg Kyabgon
Practice of Lojong:
Cultivating Compassion Through Training the Mind
(audio book)

2022-07-05 Maple Magic
Traleg Kyabgon
Practice of Lojong:
Cultivating Compassion Through Training the Mind
(audio book)

2022-07-04 Classic Oatcakes
Norman Fischer
Training in Compassion
Zen Teaching on the Practice of Lojong
(audio book)

2022-06-28 Classic Oatcakes
Norman Fischer
Training in Compassion
Zen Teaching on the Practice of Lojong
(audio book)

2022-06-24 Cranberry Organics
Traleg Kyabgon
Practice of Lojong:
Cultivating Compassion Through Training the Mind
(audio book)

2022-06-21 Lavender Dreams
Traleg Kyabgon
Practice of Lojong:
Cultivating Compassion Through Training the Mind
(audio book)

2022-06-16 Classics
Martin Armstrong on the Global Economic Crash

2022-06-15 Spacecakes V & VI

2022-06-14 Haskap Organics
Charles Eisenstein
The Good World

“Human life in modern times has been a dive into the miasma of me and mine, choking on the muck, clawing our way back to sanity.
Yet now the modern age might end. We have at least an opportunity to transition out of it, through the virtuous cycle of gratitude and generosity.
Can you imagine how society would transform if we were in touch with the sacred truth that births gratitude?”
– Charles Eisenstein

2022-06-14 MapleMagic

2022-06-14 Classics
Biographical documentary of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
narrated by Peter Coyote
A Cloud Never Dies (27 mins)

2022-06-10 Buckyolas
Matt Ehret
The Clash of the Two Americas Vol. 1
The Unfinished Symphony (1776-1901)
(audio book)

2022-06-09 Buckyolas (for George)
Robert Thurman
Infinite Life (audio book)

2022-06-03 Garlic Adagios
Robert Thurman
Infinite Life (audio book)

2022-06-02 Cranberry Organics
Robert Thurman
Infinite Life (audio book)

2022-05-31 Traditionals
Made with lard from Bershire hogs
raised in the woods at TWINAITCH
Mattias Desmet
Breaking Free From Mass Formation (67 mins)

2022-05-27 Classic Oatcakes
Andrew Peloso & Jeremy Regoto
Trucking For Freedom  the documentary (40 mins)
Chapter One: How We Got Here

2022-05-20 Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOs
Matthew Ehret
A Memorial for Dr. Luc Montagnier and
the Coming Revolutions in Optical Biophysics

2022-05-12 MapleMagic
Michael Meade
The Truth Of A Myth Aubrey Marcus Podcast

2022-05-06 Garlic Adagios (A world's first!)
Flavoured with biodynamic garlic and
fattened with pure Berkshire lard and
half as much butter.

Soon after they left the oven Garlic Adagios were approved by discriminating palates. Offered as samples at Saturday's market Garlic Adagios were enthusiastically purchased!
Clif High

2022-05-06 Classic Oatcakes
Professor Fabio Vighi
Which Covid Discourse? Lacan, Emergency Capitalism & Paranoia
Sep 30 2021

2022-04-28 Organic Haskap
Fabio Vighi
How Big Money Is Driving Us Toward THE GREAT RESET
Aubrey Marcus Podcast 2 Mar 2022

2022-04-27 Cranberry Organics
Clif High Videos

2022-04-22 Traditionals
Clif High Videos

2022-04-20 Classics
Etana Hecht The Arc of a Fraud
Bombshell conversation between Dr. Naomi Wolf and Edward Dowd
Edward Dowd can see the tipping point of the ‘Trust the Science’ Pfizer Fraud

2022-04-15 Lavender Dreams
Harold W. Percival
Thinking and Destiny

2022-04-08 Classics
Brent W. Leung
House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic (2009)

2022-04-07 Organic Haskap
Rebecca Strong
Putting Big Bad Pharma Back on Trial in the COVID-19 Era

2022-04-05 Maple Magic™
Lama Yeshe
Heart Practice of the Six Yogas of Naropa
The Bliss of Inner Fire
(audio book)

2022-04-01 All Organic Vegan Buckyolas (for George)
Lama Yeshe
Heart Practice of the Six Yogas of Naropa
The Bliss of Inner Fire
(audio book)

2022-03-29 All Organic Vegan Buckyolas with flax
Lama Yeshe
Heart Practice of the Six Yogas of Naropa
The Bliss of Inner Fire
(audio book)

2022-03-25 Classics
Angus Fletcher
Wonderworks: The 25 Most Powerful Inventions in the History of Literature
(audio book)

2022-03-24 Blueberry Organics
Angus Fletcher
Wonderworks: The 25 Most Powerful Inventions in the History of Literature
(audio book)

2022-03-23 Cranberry Organics
Dmitry Orlov

2022-03-22 COMBOs
Michael Wallach and Diarra Leslie
The Viral Delusion: The Five Part Documentary Series (must watch!)

2022-02-14 Organic Haskap

2022-01-24 COMBOs (for Atlanta, Georgia)
Fehmi Krasniqi
The Movie Great Pyramid K 2019

2022-01-18 Classics (for a birthday in Halifax)

Classic Oatcakes KiloCan

Kim Elia
Making Sense of Madness
In this amazing presentation, renowned homeopath Kim Elia (CEO of Whole Health Now) elaborates upon the scientific, political, and historical fraud of COVID-19 with a look to solutions.

2022-01-14 COMBOs
Dr. Zach Bush MD
Doctor's Revolutionary Analysis of THE HIDDEN VIRUS
Aubrey Marcus Podcast

2022-01-14 Haskap Organics
Triggernometry Konstantin Kisin
Vaccine Hesitancy EXPLAINED

Food for Real Warriors

How Bad is Your Batch?
2022-01-12 Classics

Food for Real Warriors

How Bad is Your Batch?
2022-01-04 Haskap Organics
Prof. Mattias Desmet
Why People WILLINGLY Give Up Their Freedoms
Aubrey Marcus Podcast

Classic Oatcakes for SANTA

2022-01-03 Buckyolas (for George)
Matías De Stefano
Our 9 Dimensional Existence EXPLAINED FROM MEMORY
Aubrey Marcus Podcast

"The Buddha spoke of a future dark age when the elements of nature become imbalanced and cause great harm. New diseases will appear, new types of weapons will be invented and so on. The Buddha also described the dark age as a time when all that is natural and authentic loses importance and instead people worship what is artificial and false. This applies to people as well as to things...

(Today) People aren't interested in the real thing. But if we can come up with something that seems like the real deal then it's popular right away. The same goes for the food we eat. People rarely appreciate genuine natural ingredients. We prefer products that are processed, artificial and most important cheap. Everywhere we're surrounded by products that are artificial and cheap while the genuine, uncontaminated and authentic is becoming rare. We live in the twenty-first century and we like to think of ourselves as modern, sophisticated and civilized. But honestly what kind of civilization pays tribute to things that are fake, cheap and contaminated?"
– Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche

Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes
We're oatcake people!                    

A Sealevel Special Project   Photo by Chris Reardon