“Food preparation is a sacred activity. If you could see the sparks of light going forth from the fingertips when cooking, and the energy that goes into the food you handle, you would realize how much of you imbues into the meals that you prepare for family and friends.”
– Sally Fallon Morell
Date |
Batch |
Listened to: |
2018-12-22 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
Ray Kurzweil
@ SuperNova, Antwerp, September 2018
2018-12-20 |
Maple Magic
2018-12-18 |
Lavender Dreams
2018-12-16 |
Classics Oatcakes
Graham Harman and Slavoj Zizek
Munich, "Lost-Weekend"-Cafe, December 1, 2018 talk and debate
On Object Oriented Ontology
2018-12-14 |
Haskap Oatcakes
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Open Heart, Open Mind Playlist
2018-12-14 |
Spacecakes II
David Long
Soul, Self, Awakening, Ghosts, Afterlife, & Reincarnation
2018-12-13 |
Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOS
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Fully Being
2018-12-5 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
2018-12-5 |
Classic Oatcakes
2018-12-4 |
Maple Magic
2018-11-30 |
All organic Buckyolas
Alain de Botton
Why You Will Marry the Wrong Person
2018-11-29 |
Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOS
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Pundarika YouTube Channel
2018-11-28 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Pundarika YouTube Channel
2018-11-27 |
Organic Gingers
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Pundarika YouTube Channel
2018-11-23 |
Maple Magic
Noam Chomsky
Best Speech In 2018
2018-11-22 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
Chris Hedges
Best Speech In 2018
2018-11-21 |
Lavender Dreams
Scott Tusa
Podcasts / Teachings
2018-11-20 |
Classic Oatcakes
Scott Tusa
Podcasts / Teachings
2018-11-16 |
Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOS
Scott Tusa
Podcasts / Teachings
2018-11-15 |
All Organic Buckyolas
Scott Tusa
Podcasts / Teachings
2018-11-14 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
Scott Tusa
Podcasts / Teachings
2018-11-09 |
Classic Oatcakes
Genuine Oatcakes arrive at Dépanneur in Brooklyn, New York for the first time!
2018-11-07 |
Organic Gingers
2018-11-06 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
2018-10-26 |
All Organic Buckyolas
Philip Shepherd
A Journey to Wholeness
2018-10-25 |
Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOS
Pema Chödrön
This Sacred Journey
2018-10-24 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
Pema Chödrön
This Sacred Journey
2018-10-20 |
Classic Oatcakes
Pema Chödrön
This Sacred Journey
2018-10-20 |
Maple Magic
Pema Chödrön
This Sacred Journey
2018-10-18 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
Sam Harris
A Conversation with Yuval Noah Harari
2018-10-12 |
Lavender Dreams
Pema Chödrön
This Sacred Journey
2018-10-11 |
Organic Gingers
Pema Chödrön
This Sacred Journey
2018-10-10 |
Classic Oatcakes
Pema Chödrön
This Sacred Journey
2018-10-05 |
Turmeric Honey
Made with Fresh Organic Turmeric
from Abundant Acres Farm
Emily Levesque at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
The Weirdest Stars in the Universe
2018-10-05 |
Maple Magic
Pema Chödrön
This Sacred Journey
2018-10-04 |
Organic Gingers
Made with Fresh Organic Ginger
from Abundant Acres Farm
Pema Chödrön
This Sacred Journey
2018-10-03 |
Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOS
Pema Chödrön
This Sacred Journey
2018-10-03 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
Pema Chödrön
This Sacred Journey
2018-10-02 |
Classic Oatcakes
Gwynne Dyer on the future of the world
2018-09-28 |
Organic Gingers
Made with Fresh Organic Ginger
from Abundant Acres Farm
Richard Gere
The Tibetan Book of the Dead (Audio Book)
2018-09-22 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
Keller Easterling
Medium Design Academy of Art University
2018-09-21 |
Zero Emissions Day
Yes we do weddings!
The day before we baked and printed labels so Zero Emissions Day was spent packaging (nine dozen custom labeled gift packs) for this wonderful wedding at Oceanstone somewhat auspiciously using no fossil fuels what so ever!
2018-09-20 |
Classic Oatcakes
Rose McDermott
Ideology in our Genes: The Biological Basis for Political Traits
The Interval / Long Now Foundation
2018-09-20 |
Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOS
2018-09-19 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
2018-09-14 |
Classic Oatcakes
Yuval Noah Harari: the myth of freedom
2018-09-12 |
Lavender Dreams
2018-09-11 |
Classic Oatcakes
Michael Pollan
The Science of Psychedelics at The Royal Institution
2018-09-10 |
Maple Magic
2018-09-08 |
Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOS
Carlota Perez
2018-09-07 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
Michael Pollan
at the Long Now Foundation mp3
2018-09-06 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
Jaron Lanier
2018-09-05 |
Classic Oatcakes
Michael Pollan
How to Change Your Mind (Audio Book)
2018-09-04 |
All Organic Buckyolas
Michael Pollan
How to Change Your Mind (Audio Book)
2018-09-01 |
Lavender Dreams
Michael Pollan
How to Change Your Mind (Audio Book)
2018-08-31 |
Maple Magic
Michael Pollan
How to Change Your Mind (Audio Book)
2018-08-31 |
Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOS
Michael Pollan
How to Change Your Mind (Audio Book)
2018-08-30 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
Michael Pollan
How to Change Your Mind (Audio Book)
2018-08-29 |
Classic Oatcakes
Michael Pollan
How to Change Your Mind (Audio Book)
2018-08-24 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
John Berger
Ways of Seeing , Episodes 1 through 4
2018-08-23 |
Classic Oatcakes
Over 250,000 oatcakes baked!
2018-08-22 |
Lavender Dreams
2018-08-18 |
Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOS
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
Vajrayana Buddhism in the West, Lerab Ling Talk
2018-08-17 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
Payam Akhavan
The 2017 CBC Massey Lectures - In Search of a Better World
2018-08-17 |
All Organic Buckyolas
Payam Akhavan
The 2017 CBC Massey Lectures - In Search of a Better World
2018-08-16 |
Maple Magic
Michael Pollan
"How to Change Your Mind" | Talks at Google
2018-08-15 |
Classics Oatcakes
Michael Pollan
Food Rules for Healthy People and Planet (RSA)
2018-08-01 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
James Burke
2018-07-30 |
Classic Oatcakes
James Burke
2018-07-29 |
All Organic Buckyolas
David Loy
Buddhism and the West
2018-07-25 |
Maple Magic
2018-07-22 |
Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOS
Sam Harris
A Conversation with Andrew Yang
2018-07-21 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
2018-07-20 |
Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOS
2018-07-19 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
2018-07-18 |
Maple Magic Oatcakes
John Ralston Saul Common Action Forum Interview
2018-07-17 |
Classic Oatcakes
John Ralston Saul The Place of Spirituality and Citizenship
2018-07-14 |
Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOS
2018-07-12 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
Brian Cox
Forces of Nature
Interesting to speculate on a collaboration between Cox and Morton
2018-07-11 |
Classic Oatcakes
2018-07-06 |
Cranberry/Blueberry COMBOS
2018-07-05 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
We're the Russos
Nova Scotia Travel Guide
2018-06-27 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
2018-06-26 |
Classic Oatcakes
2018-06-26 |
All Organic Vegan Buckyolas
with Organic Buckwheat flour & Heatherdale Artisan Canola
Timothy Morton
Inside Big Botany
2018-06-21 |
Combo Oatcakes
with Cranberries and Blueberries!
2018-06-20 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
with Springbrook Organic Cranberries!
Middle Way Education
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche Teaches On The 7 Points Of Mind Training
2018-06-20 |
Lavender Dreams
with Lavender Culinary Buds
2018-06-20 |
Maple Magic
with Certified Organic Maple Syrup
2018-06-19 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
with Nova Scotia Blueberries
Judith L. Lief
Entering the Path
The Hinayana Teachings of Chögyam Trungpa
What is Prajna?
2018-06-19 |
Maple Magic
with Certified Organic Maple Syrup
2018-06-19 |
Classic Oatcakes
2018-06-18 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
with Springbrook Organic Cranberries!
2018-06-14 |
Combo Oatcakes
with Cranberries and Blueberries!
Joe & Kait Russo stopped by!
2018-06-14 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
with Nova Scotia Blueberries
2018-06-13 |
Classic Oatcakes
2018-06-13 |
Maple Magic
with Certified Organic Maple Syrup
2018-06-12 |
Classic Oatcakes
2018-06-08 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
with Nova Scotia Blueberries
2018-06-07 |
Lavender Dreams
with Lavender Culinary Buds
2018-06-07 |
Classic Oatcakes
2018-06-05 |
with Cranberries and Blueberries!
2018-06-05 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
with Springbrook Organic Cranberries!
2018-06-04 |
Classic Oatcakes
Judith L. Lief
Entering the Path
The Hinayana Teachings of Chögyam Trungpa
The Guardian Long Reads
Why Silicon Valley can’t fix itself – podcast
2018-06-01 |
Maple Magic
with Certified Organic Maple Syrup
2018-05-31 |
with Organic Buckwheat flour and Heatherdale Artisan Canola oil
2018-05-30 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
with Nova Scotia Blueberries
2018-05-26 |
Maple Magic
with Certified Organic Maple Syrup
2018-05-23 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
with Organic Cranberries!
2018-05-19 |
Classic Oatcakes
2018-05-18 |
Maple Magic
with Certified Organic Maple Syrup
2018-05-18 |
Lavender Dreams
with Lavender Culinary Buds!
2018-05-18 |
Combo Oatcakes
with Nova Scotia Blueberries and Organic Cranberries!
2018-05-16 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
with Springbrook Organic Cranberries!
Judith L. Lief
Entering the Path
The Hinayana Teachings of Chögyam Trungpa
2018-05-12 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
with Nova Scotia Blueberries!
Judith L. Lief
Entering the Path
The Hinayana Teachings of Chögyam Trungpa
2018-05-11 |
All Organic Buckyolas
with organic Buckwheat and organic Canola oil
Judith L. Lief
Entering the Path
The Hinayana Teachings of Chögyam Trungpa
2018-05-09 |
Classic Oatcakes
Judith L. Lief
Entering the Path
The Hinayana Teachings of Chögyam Trungpa
2018-05-05 |
with Nova Scotia Blueberries and Organic Cranberries!
Judith L. Lief
Entering the Path
The Hinayana Teachings of Chögyam Trungpa
2018-05-04 |
Classic Oatcakes
Judith L. Lief
Entering the Path
The Hinayana Teachings of Chögyam Trungpa
2018-05-03 |
All Organic Buckyolas
with organic Buckwheat and organic Canola oil
Judith L. Lief
Entering the Path
The Hinayana Teachings of Chögyam Trungpa
2018-05-02 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
with Nova Scotia Blueberries
Judith L. Lief
Entering the Path
The Hinayana Teachings of Chögyam Trungpa
2018-04-26 |
Classic Oatcakes
Judith L. Lief
Entering the Path
The Hinayana Teachings of Chögyam Trungpa
2018-04-26 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
with Springbrook Organic Cranberries!
Judith L. Lief
Entering the Path
The Hinayana Teachings of Chögyam Trungpa
2018-04-25 |
Combo Oatcakes
with Nova Scotia Blueberries and Organic Cranberries!
Judith L. Lief
Entering the Path
The Hinayana Teachings of Chögyam Trungpa
2018-04-24 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
Judith L. Lief
Entering the Path
The Hinayana Teachings of Chögyam Trungpa
2018-04-21 |
Lavender Oats Dilly Dilly
Burl Ives - Lavender Blue
Lavender Blue Dilly Dilly
2018-04-20 |
Combo Buckyolas
Timothy Morton, Friday 23 March 2018
Being Ecological
Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen NL
2018-04-20 |
2018-04-18 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
Charles Eisenstein: Serving the More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible
Quartz Obession: Cranberries
2018-04-17 |
Classic Oatcakes
2018-04-14 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
2018-04-13 |
Classic Oatcakes
2018-04-13 |
J Dilla
2018-04-06 |
Lavender Dreams
2018-04-05 |
Combo Oatcakes
2018-03-30 |
Organic Gingers
2018-03-30 |
All Organic Buckyola
2018-03-23 |
Lavender Dreams
2018-03-23 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
2018-03-16 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
2018-03-10 |
2018-03-09 |

This morning, on behalf of the Nova Scotia Environmental Network and the Nova Scotia Masters Speed Skating Club, Joanne Light, NSEN Board Member and NSMSSC Member presented Anne Kari H. Ovind, the Norwegian ambassador to Canada with a KiloCan of "Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes" to congratulate Norway on their first place showing in the Pyeong Nang Winter Olympics. Nova Scotia weather cooperated for her visit with some lovely fresh snow, blue sky and cotton clouds.
2018-03-08 |
Katherine Czapp, Weston A. Price Foundation
The Good Scots Diet
2018-03-03 |
All Organic Buckyolas
2018-03-01 |
2018-02-23 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
2018-02-22 |
"Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism" - Chögyam Trungpa dissects us and explodes our egos in a dazzling display of historical storytelling with beautiful lessons and Q&As.
2018-02-17 |
2018-02-16 |
2018-02-15 |
Organic Gingers
2018-02-12 |
Classic Oatcakes
2018-02-09 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
2018-02-08 |
Lavender Dreams
2018-02-04 |
Organic Buckyolas
2018-02-01 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
Timothy Morton
- Being Ecological (RSA Replay)
Named one of the world's most influential living philosophers, and a cross-disciplinarian who has collaborated with Björk, Pharrell Williams and Hans Ulrich Obrist, Timothy Morton is at the forefront of a group of thinkers offering new insights into ecological awareness and the human experience in the Age of the Anthropocene. In his new work, Morton confronts the information-dump fatigue of the digital age, by offering no ecological 'facts' but instead a radically invigorated and liberating approach to understanding ourselves, our interconnectedness with each other and the biosphere that sustains us.
- in Conversation with Verso books on HUMANKIND
2018-01-25 |
Cranberry Oatcakes
Timothy Morton
Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology After the End of the World
Audio Book
2018-01-18 |
Classic Oatcakes
2018-01-10 |
Organic Gingers
with Fresh Organic Ginger
from Abundant Acres Farm
2018-01-10 |
Classic Oatcakes
2018-01-10 |
Blueberry Oatcakes
with Nova Scotia Blueberries